Friday, December 25, 2009

The choice

Because I want to wake up tomorrow.
Because I want to laugh.
Because I want to make a difference in the world around me.
Because I want to care for others.
Because I want to cry.
And because I want to honor life rather than succumb to the misery of death...
I choose.

I choose to celebrate Christmas and worship the God who gave it to us.
I choose to play catch with my son.
I choose to squeeze my beautiful daughter.
I choose to kiss my amazing wife.

I even choose to laugh at juvenile jokes--I did tonight.
I will choose to cry--I'm not far from it now.
I will choose to share my grief and I will choose to speak of the strength that I find within to make choices that move me forward rather than backward.

At Christmas we remember the birth of Jesus.  I choose to remember and be thankful.

It was in October, in Kentucky, where I received the Sacrament of Communion for the first time after saying good-bye to our Annie.  I recall holding the bread and the cup which symbolizes the message of Jesus' sacrifice for my sins.  The thought occurred to me that in this world I will never hold and touch my Annie again but that each time I receive communion I will hold and touch the grace of God.

I choose grace.  I choose the message contained in Jesus the Christ.
I choose.


Juli Jarvis said...

What a beautiful poem and words. I continue to grieve with you over your loss. I've been having a rather blue Christmas season as well, for many reasons. For one, perhaps you know our beloved pastor, Tom Saur, resigned over marital and personal problems. There is much more I won't even go into in my own life, but God is close and faithful! He gives me the words and direction I need every single day!

I'd like to share something with you from the Compassion blog -- I suggest you might want to ask God for a one word theme that you can use throughout 2010. See this post for explanation:

This has been huge for me. My word last year was "hold" or "held." I have an entire notebook full of scriptures and quotes (sometimes from Christian books or songs or even a secular book or newspaper) that He has brought me this year with this word! Such a huge blessing for me. I already know my word for 2010 -- "way" or "ways." I'm learning how to see and do things God's way rather than my own. I'm learning that His ways are good and right for me. I can't wait to see what all He teaches me about His ways next year.

Anyway, to close out my word for 2009, He brings me your beautiful post today, with my word "hold" all the way through it! Thank you for sharing from your heart -- and thank you Jesus.

Juli Jarvis said...

P.S. I choose to hold onto God's grace! I choose to believe, trust, hold onto His promises and be obedient to His still, small voice! I could go on and on -- I may need to sit down and write my own poem! :)

Anonymous said...

Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve ... but as for Peter and his house -- Sarah, William and Kate -- they will serve the Lord.

Love you all ...

Anonymous said...

Thanks SON for sharing your depth of love for OUR Savior. I am so proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Currently 5 pm on the 30th. After planning since February to be out of town with my family, I find myself at the office working. I did not reflect Christ today, for which I am ashamed.

I seek His forgiveness, change my attitude and seek to glorify Him as I finish the day here and go home to my family.

Thank you for encouraging me today.


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!