So if you stop by my blog with any sort of regularity, thanks. I've been away from it for several weeks. Since the beginning of August loads of good things have taken place:
1) the Olympics were fun to fact William will see Matt Lauer on TV and ask if we're watching the Olympics.
2) William celebrated his 4th birthday. He's a star, we love him.
3) We visited my family in SD for a week. It was great seeing family and great to leave the church in the hands of our very capable layleaders.
4) NBWC has hired an assistan pastor! Josh Hilty and his wife, Jamie, will be moving to North Branch on the 17th of this month. It's weird to think that Pastor Tony's
former office will no longer be our office storage space, that a living breathing person will occupy it instead. It's going to be good to have Josh here.
5) The brakes on our '96 Subaru Outback (absolutely amazing car) were shot. Out of the blue we had someone give us a check which covered all but $24 of the mechanic's bill. It was an amazing gift not to have to pay the other $300!
6) Kate's vocabulary is exploding. She still enjoys pulling funny faces and now has verbal expressions to go along with them. She is hilarious.
I could go on. Suffice it to say the latter part of this summer has been great.
Thanks for reading.
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