Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Star (five) Bucks

Dave Ramsey says he has a friend who calls Starbucks, FiveBucks, because everytime you go there it's going to cost you $5.

Well push that total up to $10 now.

Just moments ago I sauntered into the local Starbucks for a little study time and access to the internet outside of the noise and interference of the church office.

As I waited for my grande cafe mocha and tastey M&M cookie I inquired about the use of internet access. "It's free, right?" I said. The answer was something to this affect, "If you purchase a Starbucks card, even just putting $5 on it you'll be able to register at starbucks.com and get all sorts of free newsletters and offers [junk] sent to you via email. It's a really cool thing. All you have to do to keep your account activated is buy a starbucks coffee once a month using your card and it'll keep your account active."

Starbucks went from Fivebucks to Tenbucks.

I did it. I joined. But at least I can post on my blog now. Now that's $5 well spent...or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you spent $5 wisely! The things that cause your creative juices to flow is something to enjoy.