Sunday, April 13, 2008

Good Reading

The other day I took Kate & William to the North Branch Library while Sarah did some running around. I was very happy when Sarah showed up to take us home; William had played Go Diego Go games on for too long and Kate had put about 30 books in her mouth. In the few minutes we stayed after Sarah arrived I quickly browsed the books our library has in the "leadership" section--it didn't take long.

The book I checked out, Remarkable Leadership by Kevin Eikenberry, is a totally unknown book/author to me. It's secular, it's not church related, and it's not written to/for pastors. (I admit I do not read many books with this criteria.) Some of the content is quite basic. But much of it has been refreshing to me. It's laid out well and covers a great range of topics.

I told Sarah last night that I am enjoying this book because it is not written for me, as a pastor. It is written for me as a leader. As a pastor I can take the leadership aspects of the book and imagine how I can apply them to me and to my church. It is fun for my mind to wander and process versus reading a "how-to run your church like I run my church" leadership book.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Vacation cont...

the obligatory family picture. :)

cute beach girl
william did not stop running...

our vacation spot overlooking the ocean

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


We own a 2006 Ford Freestyle...correction: we don't own it, we are in debt with it...and in the course of 18 months we have had 2 tires blowout and 1 flat due to a nail lodged in the side of a tire. BUT, even a flat tire on I-75 South in Detroit, in rush hour traffic, could not stop us from going on vacation. We had a flight to catch!

Spending the next several days in Myrtle Beach, SC, will be great! Our place for the week looks out over the ocean and is just great. We're here with Sarah's folks who are a great help with our kids and who are going to earn every cent of that greatness---if I have anything to do with it. (Just kidding. I won't be mean. But it is nice to have some additional hands to be with the kids.)

Maybe some pix in another post.